Thursday, February 24, 2011


a few weeks ago, my bos reminds us that the essence of distribution is balancing supply and demand. This balance will lead the product to be sold in the reasonable price, therefore the margin can be produced properly. This balance also makes the lead time to customer is acceptable and lead the brand to have a better customer satisfaction index and, in the end, the brand image.

In the reality, it's not too easy too apply the whole best practices concept. In my industry, mosty, forecasting is the most difficult aspect in distribution. School gives us theories and cases but experience gives us expertise. And it's still not enough.

Top management commitment is the most important key to open the door of ideal distribution. Base on my practical observation, fairness is the main role in distribution system. The system should be rigid and flexible in the same time. It should be transparant in the surface but the internal operation can do some underground action when it necessary.

Actually my company has had that system but we dont have strong commitment to apply it consistently. Like Trezeguet said about Juventus yesterday, a ferrari needs a proper (special) driver, sometime working hard is just not enough anymore.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

amat victoria curam

It is a phrase written on a side of Harry Mc Kenna's beloved gun. When he died by his friend, Arthur, the gun accidentally inherited by his son, Steven. Shortly, i found it in "Mechanic", a brutal action movie which is actually a remake from 1972 Charles Bronson movie with the same name. And i will not tell you about the movie, it just fine.

"Amat Victoria Curam" is a famous Latin phrase means literally “Victory loves the care”, that is “Victory likes careful preparation” or more loosely “Victory favors those who take pains”, since victory falls to those who prepare it carefully.

This phrase shocked me and makes me remember. Nowadays, i begin to plan improperly. I prefer to act impulsively. The worst, i almost forget the feel of having a big dream and struggle with all of my heart to achieve it. I almost loose the passion.

Routine build a new character of me and, in some aspects, it almost completely different from an older me. It's not wrong. It just weird. It feels like a stranger living in your body and slowly consume your soul, change it to a new one.

Honestly, i missed an older me: being caring, passionate and all out.

I know, i can't escaped from my current life so i would never ask myself to be a coward. I will face it bravely and make myself proud. In the other side, i will find my lost soul. Simply, I will enjoy my life... responsibly.

*doakan saya yaaah *lari kecil ala Benteng Takeshi