Wednesday, December 28, 2011

sebuah gapura lagi dilewati

Terlepas dari beberapa target yang tak tercapai, tahun ini adalah tahun yang menggembirakan dan sangat patut disyukuri. Tahun di mana saya memulai hal-hal baru sekaligus mengakhiri hal-hal yang kadaluarsa.

Suka dan duka tidak bisa menjadi acuan karena memang kehadirannya sudah semestinya ada. Seperti bumbu masakan, ia menyempurnakan hari-hari saya. Bagi saya cita rasa itu penting.

Tahun ini banyak sekali kisah yang seru. Kawan datang dan pergi, tantangan silih berganti menguji dan meminta saya naik kelas. Betapapun ada hal-hal yang ingin sekali saya perbaiki, saya menikmati sekali perjalanan ini.

Jika membuat list memang membantu, akan panjang sekali harapan saya di usia sekaligus tahun yang baru nanti. Doakan saya memilih menuliskan hal-hal yang bijak dan cerdas dalam list tersebut, sebagian diantaranya pasti mudah ditebak, hehe... Dalam beberapa hal saya tidak pernah berubah: tidak ngotot pada pencapaian-pencapaian artifisial, bersungguh-sungguh mencapai tujuan, apa adanya dan mensyukuri setiap nikmat yang diberikan. Ada sahabat yang berkata: live to the fullest :)

Katanya hidup itu sebuah perjalanan dan titik-titik seperti hari ini adalah gapura di jalan tersebut; sebagai tanda saja. Selanjutnya selalu sama, bagaimana menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik dan memberi manfaat lebih banyak kepada orang lain.

happy birthday to me, happy new year to all of us.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Tour of Duty Tips Part I

Basically, isn't holiday, it's a work trip, so focus on it. Amusement is a chain effect of your proper preparation. First of all, make a good schedule & itinerary, the key is: all of the meeting have to end at 5pm. Otherwise, it's a bad schedule. Work only in a working time is important to keep your energy n mood, especially for ones who trip 9-12 days a month like me.

Next, make sure that every PIC in your itinerary understand the importance of coming on time and proper. Check n re-check. Before U go, don't leave any unfinished jobs in your desk. Finish it or delegate it. Material preparation is an important key, make sure u're fully prepared. Takes the data u need as much as u can. Make some handout mode printout , it allows u learn and u can give it to another meeting participant, esp the bosses. In material prep, ask for help from ur data center or subordinate, don't let the preparation consume too many times.

Make sure your boss understand the importance of ur leave and show him that everything else is under control. Before u go, let anyone else know that u'll be leaving for and give them your active phone number and email

If u leave for 2 nights, use a backpack. More, use a cabin size traveling bag. Just avoid airplane luggage. Bring your belongings efficiently, u're not moving to another city. Soap & shampoo shouldn't present in your belonging list. I just bring facial foam, perfume, deodorant, and styling wax. Make it tidy.

Never forget your laptop or phone charger kit. Actually, u can ask the host to provide charger, it allow u to travel lighter. I wouldn't recommend to brings food unless u want to give souvenir to the host, it's a smart move. For 2 nights i just bring 2 shirt, 2 pair of underwear , 1 short pant & 1 t-shirt. Its folded and arranged by day it used.

I'll share the tips of choosing hotel & utilize tour of duty for a holiday in Part II

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

day 9

day 9, no progressive achievement yet.
This Ramadhan makes me worry and the best thing i've done is admit it, in this blog.

Due to my limited power and resources (the common excuses), i expects only two things to successfully happened at this end of month.

* lifefortoday launching and the regional meetings goes well
* i reach 64

not too ambitious, ain't i?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

satu lagi akan pergi

Satu lagi rekan kerja saya mengundurkan diri dan memilih bekerja di hilir proses penjualan: dealer... dan entah kenapa perasaan saya mengatakan bahwa situasi seperti ini akan berlanjut. Jujur saja, agak sulit memang untuk tidak tergiur bekerja di dealer. Selain gaji yang lebih tinggi, dealer juga menawarkan insentif, refund asuransi atas penjualan kredit, profit sharing dan ruang kerja yang jauuuuuh lebih manusiawi. Saya bisa memberikan list panjang berisi plus minus bekerja di dealer tapi bukan itu yang ingin saya sampaikan...

Setiap kali seorang karyawan mengundurkan diri maka beban pekerjaan yang ditinggalkannya akan dilimpahkan kawan-kawannya yang kurang beruntung masih jadi karyawan di kantor, seperti saya. Beban kerja itu juga biasanya ditransfer secara ajaib tanpa serah terima yang layak, jadilah prosesnya seperti dikasih makan sekaligus... bikin keselek. Bagian yang ajaib adalah ekspektasi manajemen kadang kurang bijak. Mengayomi, mendengarkan secara seksama dan membuat action plan yang layak tampaknya belum menjadi keseharian manajemen puncak di kantor saya.

lucu, anak buahnya disemangati supaya tidak complain tapi akar masalahnya tidak pernah dibenahi.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

world, i'm back

it's funny, two articles from my lovely friend's blog feels so close to my life. it like she wrote it for me too. We know she didn't, hahaha... this time, the article remind me to not give up, to addressing the "no" in a positive way and to believe that Allah SWT leads me to the best path to live.

As u known already, I've failed to be promote this year. I told u, didn't i? ups. Yes, it makes me a lil bit down and demotivate. My direct supervisor told me the news and we still have no idea the reason for the failure. This company is very good in making everything occult. The good news is, i don't care too much. therefore my recovery process going well and smooth...

...and now? i'm fully ready to prepare my resume. World, i'm back.
that's it, enjoy the life :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

...dan itu cukup bagi saya.

sebuah tulisan di blog seorang sahabat menohok saya. begini kalimat terakhir di artikel tersebut;
Dan saya masih gamang. Inikah jalan terbaik untuk saya beribadah kepadaNya?


bukankah itu juga pertanyaan yang selalu mengusik saya?

bagi kaum pekerja kantoran, datang pagi pulang sore (bahkan malam) adalah sebuah rutinitas yang terkadang menggiring kepada sebuah kepalsuan kebahagiaan. rutinitas itu pula yang secara perlahan membunuh diri kita yang sebenarnya. sayangnya, bagi banyak orang, termasuk saya saat ini, rutinitas itu adalah pilihan terbaik yang bisa dijalani.

Lantas, karena saya tidak bisa berkelit maka saya seringkali berbisik kepada hati saya: "it's oke do. semua hal yang layak untuk dijalani, layak pula untuk dilakukan dengan usaha terbaik"

saya paham, banyak sekali diantara kita yang tidak sedang menjalani hidup impiannya, cita-cita masa kecil juga panggilan hati terkecilnya. Saya paham, banyak diantara kita, merasa terjerumus dan berkecil hati. Saya juga dulu demikian.

kalau saya boleh berbagi (tentu boleh, karena ini blog saya. Retoris), kehidupan itu adalah sebuah perjalanan. Menetapkan tujuan yang benar adalah penting, menggapainya juga penting namun memaknai perjalanan tersebut jauh lebih penting.

Menjadi sahabat terbaik, rekan kerja yang bisa dipercaya, bawahan yang bisa diandalkan, atasan yang memanusiakan serta sekedar orang asing yang tersenyum manis sekali adalah ibadah saya di kantor... dan itu cukup bagi saya.

*sebuah catatan dari acara KPK (karyawan peduli karyawan) edisi 5

Thursday, February 24, 2011


a few weeks ago, my bos reminds us that the essence of distribution is balancing supply and demand. This balance will lead the product to be sold in the reasonable price, therefore the margin can be produced properly. This balance also makes the lead time to customer is acceptable and lead the brand to have a better customer satisfaction index and, in the end, the brand image.

In the reality, it's not too easy too apply the whole best practices concept. In my industry, mosty, forecasting is the most difficult aspect in distribution. School gives us theories and cases but experience gives us expertise. And it's still not enough.

Top management commitment is the most important key to open the door of ideal distribution. Base on my practical observation, fairness is the main role in distribution system. The system should be rigid and flexible in the same time. It should be transparant in the surface but the internal operation can do some underground action when it necessary.

Actually my company has had that system but we dont have strong commitment to apply it consistently. Like Trezeguet said about Juventus yesterday, a ferrari needs a proper (special) driver, sometime working hard is just not enough anymore.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

amat victoria curam

It is a phrase written on a side of Harry Mc Kenna's beloved gun. When he died by his friend, Arthur, the gun accidentally inherited by his son, Steven. Shortly, i found it in "Mechanic", a brutal action movie which is actually a remake from 1972 Charles Bronson movie with the same name. And i will not tell you about the movie, it just fine.

"Amat Victoria Curam" is a famous Latin phrase means literally “Victory loves the care”, that is “Victory likes careful preparation” or more loosely “Victory favors those who take pains”, since victory falls to those who prepare it carefully.

This phrase shocked me and makes me remember. Nowadays, i begin to plan improperly. I prefer to act impulsively. The worst, i almost forget the feel of having a big dream and struggle with all of my heart to achieve it. I almost loose the passion.

Routine build a new character of me and, in some aspects, it almost completely different from an older me. It's not wrong. It just weird. It feels like a stranger living in your body and slowly consume your soul, change it to a new one.

Honestly, i missed an older me: being caring, passionate and all out.

I know, i can't escaped from my current life so i would never ask myself to be a coward. I will face it bravely and make myself proud. In the other side, i will find my lost soul. Simply, I will enjoy my life... responsibly.

*doakan saya yaaah *lari kecil ala Benteng Takeshi